tillage equipment and spare parts

Subsoiler GRS 2.0 with fertilizers

Subsoiler GR-2 with fertilizers

0.00 uah.

The price is valid only on the territory of Ukraine

Рабочие органы глубокорыхлителя ГР с внесением удобренийРабочий орган глубокорыхлителя ГР с функцией внесения удобрений Велес-Агро

By popular demand of customers «Veles-Agro», now has developed an additional feature glubokoryhlitelja configuration, system of deep fertilizer application, while the processing of the soil.

This feature allows the introduction of granular fertilizers with adjustable planting depth 250?400mm. This allows the introduction of the plants, in the middle phase of its development, to develop the root system in the depth of the fertilizer.

Surface fertilization at a depth of 50?150mm., Developed root system of plants only in the surface layer and Drought, from this layer the moisture evaporates, and the plants do not get the nutrition needed for normal growth and development.

When fertilizing Chisel, the root system of plants is developing at a depth of 250?400mm., Which allows them to carry a lot better during drought because at that depth moisture is retained longer.
